Friday, June 1, 2007

N800 Navkit Reviewed

I finally got the Navicore Navigation Kit for the N800. Here's a review after two days of local driving with it. Disclaimer: I have not even glanced at the user docs. I'm just playing, and most likely have not scratched the surface of the product.

First thoughts:
  • The GPS sensitivity is right there with the other products I have used (Garmin, Holux, VZNavigator). Local streets and back roads were no problem.
  • The directions are as good as any. It hasn't gotten me lost yet, but I also have not taken it out of town yet.
  • Data input is fairly easy. Getting an address into the N800 is not as annoying as some I have seen. Again, I haven't gotten lost yet...
  • The window mount is pretty sturdy. Nokia did a great job on that.
  • Finding local businesses, schools and coffee shops was trivial. Even the deli around the corner was listed.
  • Glare was a slight problem. There is a 'bright light' mode which seemed a little better than the default mode, but the screen was still washed out. Closing the moonroof helped.
  • I have not found a way to input waypoints and addresses in an offline manner (like TeleNav). Being able to preload the airports, hotels, and appointment addresses for my next business trip would be key.

All and all, I am fairly impressed.

Hey -- there is a great unboxing video here. Kudos to Jonathan Greene for that.

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